Click here for v1.x documentation.
Dinero.js version

Upgrade guide

Copy linkThe Dinero function is now lowercase

The Dinero function is not a constructor, so by convention, it shouldn't be capitalized. The function is now dinero so there's no confusion on whether you should call it with new or not (you shouldn't). No longer need to disable ESLint's new-cap rule.

- import Dinero from 'dinero.js';
+ import { dinero } from 'dinero.js';

Copy linkCurrency is now an object

The currency is now expressed as a currency object and no longer as a string. v2 provides ISO 4217 currency objects out of the box via the @dinero.js/currencies package.

- Dinero({ amount: 500, currency: 'USD' });
+ import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';
+ dinero({ amount: 500, currency: USD });

Copy linkPrecision is now scale

The concept of precision from v1.x is now called scale. It works the same as before.

- Dinero({ amount: 5000, currency: 'USD', precision: 3 });
+ dinero({ amount: 5000, currency: USD, scale: 3 });

Copy linkReplace chainable methods with standalone functions

Methods are no longer chainable, allowing you to get rid of unused code with tree-shaking. Instead of calling methods on Dinero objects, you can import individual functions and pass Dinero objects to it.

Former methods and new functions don't all have the same signature. Refer to the correlation tables below and the API reference for each function.

Copy linkAccess

Dinero v1.xDinero v2
d1.getAmount()Dropped, see replacement.
d1.getCurrency()Dropped, see replacement.
d1.getPrecision()Dropped, see replacement.

Copy linkMutations

Dinero v1.xDinero v2
d1.add(d2)add(d1, d2)
d1.subtract(d2)subtract(d1, d2)
d1.multiply(...args)multiply(d1, ...args)
d1.allocate(...args)allocate(d1, ...args)
d1.divide(...args)Dropped, see replacement.
d1.percentage(...args)Dropped, see replacement.

Copy linkConversions

Dinero v1.xDinero v2
d1.convert(...args)convert(d1, ...args)
Dinero.normalizePrecision([d1, d2])normalizeScale([d1, d2])
d1.convertPrecision(...args)transformScale(d1, ...args)

Copy linkComparisons

Dinero v1.xDinero v2
d1.equalsTo(d2)equal(d1, d2)
d1.greaterThan(d2)greaterThan(d1, d2)
d1.greaterThanOrEqual(d2)greaterThanOrEqual(d1, d2)
d1.lessThan(d2)lessThan(d1, d2)
d1.lessThanOrEqual(d2)lessThanOrEqual(d1, d2)
Dinero.minimum([d1, d2])minimum([d1, d2])
Dinero.maximum([d1, d2])maximum([d1, d2])
d1.hasSameAmount(d2)haveSameAmount([d1, d2])
d1.hasSameCurrency(d2)haveSameCurrency([d1, d2])

Copy linkFormatting

Dinero v1.xDinero v2
d1.toFormat(format)Dropped, see replacement
d1.toUnit(...args)Dropped, see replacement
d1.toRoundedUnit(...args)Dropped, see replacement

Copy linkReplace floats with scaled amounts

In v1.x, methods like convert, multiply, or allocate used to accept floats for rates, factors or ratios. It then rounded the result before creating new objects, resulting is precision loss.

In v2, you should scaled amounts instead. Scaled amounts represent a numeric value using an integer, and a scale that represents the position of the decimal point. For example, instead of passing 0.89, you would pass 89 with a scale of 2.

const scaled = { amount: 89, scale: 2 };

To use fractional values, pass scaled amounts instead of integers.

Copy linkConvert

import { dinero, convert } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD, EUR } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const rates = { EUR: { amount: 89, scale: 2 } }; // 0.89
const d = dinero({ amount: 500, currency: USD });

convert(d, EUR, { rates });

Copy linkMultiply

import { dinero, multiply } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const multiplier = { amount: 2001, scale: 3 }; // 2.001
const d = dinero({ amount: 401, currency: USD });

multiply(d, multiplier);

Copy linkAllocate

import { dinero, allocate } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const ratios = [
  { amount: 505, scale: 1 }, // 50.5
  { amount: 495, scale: 1 }, // 49.5
const d = dinero({ amount: 100, currency: USD });

allocate(d, ratios);

Copy linkReplace getAmount, getCurrency and getPrecision with toSnapshot

The getAmount, getCurrency, and getPrecision methods have been replaced with toSnapshot, which returns a plain object with the amount, currency and scale (formerly known as precision).

- const amount = Dinero({ amount: 500, currency: 'USD' }).getAmount();
- const currency = Dinero({ amount: 500, currency: 'USD' }).getCurrency();
- const scale = Dinero({ amount: 500, currency: 'USD' }).getPrecision();
+ const { amount, scale, currency } = toSnapshot(
+   dinero({ amount: 500, currency: USD })
+ );

Copy linkReplace divide with allocate

Dinero.js v2 no longer has a built-in divide function. Use allocate instead.

Copy linkReplace percentage with allocate or multiply

Dinero.js v2 no longer has a built-in percentage function. You can build your own using either allocate or multiply.

Copy linkReplace toUnit and toRoundedUnit with toUnits or toDecimal

Dinero.js v2 no longer has a built-in toUnit and toRoundedUnit functions. Use toUnits or toDecimal instead.

Copy linkDropped support for locale

In v1.x, object formatting relied upon the Internationalization API. You could pass a locale to each Dinero object to control how to format it. In v2, formatting is dependency-free and provides you full control. You no longer need to rely on a locale, therefore this concept is gone.

To replicate the same formatting you had in v1.x, you can create a formatter that wraps around the Internationalization API.

import { toDecimal } from 'dinero.js';

function createIntlFormatter(locale, options = {}) {
  function transformer({ value, currency }) {
    return Number(value).toLocaleString(locale, {
      style: 'currency',
      currency: currency.code,

  return function formatter(dineroObject) {
    return toDecimal(dineroObject, transformer);

export const intlFormat = createIntlFormatter('en-US');

You can then pass any Dinero object to the returned function.

import { dinero } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

const d = dinero({ amount: 500, currency: USD });

intlFormat(d); // "$5.00"

Copy linkDropped support for globals

Dinero.js v2 no longer supports global default and settings. The entire library is side-effects free, and every object needs explicit parameters.

If you need defaults to create objects faster, you can create your own higher-order functions to partially apply Dinero objects. For example, you can write a function to creates US dollar Dinero objects.

import { dinero } from 'dinero.js';
import { USD } from '@dinero.js/currencies';

function dineroUSD(amount) {
  return dinero({ amount, currency: USD });

Then, you can create objects by just passing the amount.

const d = dineroUSD(500);